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10 Downloadable Blog Post Templates To Drive Conversions in 2024

You can turn readers into loyal customers by creating valuable content that speaks to them. One of the best ways to do this is through blog posts that capture attention and build trust. An informative blog will keep your readers engaged and create transparency about your business.

In this blog, we’ll discuss 10 such blog post templates that will drive conversions and create long-term clients. Want to know more? Read on!

10 Proven Blog Post Templates To Drive Conversions

A blog post template gives a structure to follow. It will tell what sections to include, how to organize ideas, and even what tone to use. All you have to do is fill in the details, and voilà! Your blog post is ready!

1. How-To Guide Template

A how-to blog post is a step-by-step guide that teaches your readers how to do “something”. It could be learning a new skill, solving a problem, or completing a task.

Key points to remember while writing a how-to blog

  • Set a Clear Goal: Know your readers’ goals by the end.
  • Keep It Simple: Break the process into easy steps that anyone can follow.
  • Use Visuals: Add images or videos to make the steps clearer.
  • Be Friendly: Write like you’re explaining to a friend. Keep it light and engaging.
  • Recap: Summarize the key points at the end to reinforce the information.

Download a How-to guide template from here.

This template is provided by Seige Media.

2. Beginners Guide Post Template

A beginner’s guide post is a simple, step-by-step guide designed to help newcomers understand a topic. It breaks down complex ideas into clear, manageable pieces.

Key points to remember while writing a beginner guide post template

  1. Simple: Use clear, easy language.
  2. Start with Basics: Assume no prior knowledge.
  3. Step-by-Step: Break down the process into logical steps.
  4. Include Examples: Make it relatable with real-life examples.
  5. Encourage readers: Motivate readers as they go.
  6. Recap Key Points: Summarize the main takeaways at the end.

Download a Beginners Guide Blog Post Template from here

WordStream provides this template.

3. Listicle Blog Template

A listicle presents information in a simple list format. It’s an easy way to organize thoughts, making them feel light, approachable, and easy to digest.

Key points to remember while writing a Listicle

  1. Keep It Organized: Structure your list in a clear, logical order.
  2. Be Concise: Use short, straightforward descriptions for each item.
  3. Make It Engaging: Add a touch of personality or fun to keep readers interested.
  4. Use Headers: Clearly label each point with a bold header or number.
  5. Add Visuals: Include images or icons to enhance readability.
  6. Provide Value: Each item should offer useful information.

Download a listicle blog post template from here

This template is provided by Seige Media.

4. Newsjacking Blog Template

Newsjacking involves inserting your brand into current news stories. You can use trending topics to engage readers and make your content relevant and on time.

Key points to remember while writing a News jacking blog

  1. Stay Relevant: Choose news topics that align with your brand.
  2. Act Quickly: Respond while the news is still trending.
  3. Add Value: Offer unique insights
  4. Be Authentic: Your message should naturally fit with the news
  5. Monitor Trends: Keep an eye on emerging news for opportunities.
  6. Respect Sensitivity: Avoid exploiting sensitive or controversial topics.

Download a Newsjacking blog post template from here

This blog post template is provided by Hubspot.

5. Pillar Page Blog Template

A pillar page is a detailed guide on a broad topic. It connects to related articles and helps readers understand the topic more deeply.

Key points to remember while writing a pillar page

  1. Cover the Basics: Explain all key parts of the topic.
  2. Link to More Info: Include links to related, detailed posts.
  3. Stay Organized: Use clear sections and headings.
  4. Be Helpful: Give valuable, detailed information.
  5. Add Visuals: Use images or charts to explain things better.
  6. Update: Regularly refresh the page with new info.

Download a pillar page blog post template from here

This blog post template is provided by Hubspot.

6. ‘What is’ Blog Template

A “What Is” blog explains a concept or term. It defines the topic, explains its background, and includes examples to help readers understand it clearly.

Key points to remember while writing a “What is” Blog

  1. Define It: Start with a simple explanation.
  2. Give Background: Share some basic info about it.
  3. Use Examples: Include examples to make it clear.
  4. Keep It Simple: Use easy words and short sentences.
  5. Explain Why It Matters: Mention why it’s important.

Download a “What is” blog post template from here

This template is provided by Seige Media.

7. Interview Blog Post Template

An interview post features a conversation with a person of interest. It provides insights into their experiences, thoughts, and expertise through a series of questions and answers.

Key points to remember while writing an Interview post

  1. Introduce the Person: Explain who the interviewee is.
  2. Ask Questions: Include the main questions and their answers.
  3. Share Insights: Highlight the most interesting points.
  4. Engage the readers: Write in a conversational, engaging style.
  5. Summarize Key Takeaways: Recap the important insights from the interview.

Download an interview blog post template from here

8. Tips Blog Post Template

A tips blog post gives practical advice on a specific topic. It provides readers with helpful tips that they can easily apply to improve or solve a problem.

Key points to remember while writing a “Tips” blog post

  1. Start with a Hook: Grab attention with an interesting fact or question.
  2. Keep It Practical: Offer tips that are easy to apply.
  3. Clarity is a must: Explain each tip simply and clearly.
  4. Organize by Priority: List tips in order of importance or relevance.
  5. Recap important points: Summarize the most important advice at the end.

Download the “Tips” blog post template from here

WordStream provides this template.

9. Cheat Sheet Blog Template

If you want to access important information fast, then cheat sheet blog posts are just a way to do that. They are nothing but a quick guide that helps readers remember important details about a topic.

Key points to remember while writing a cheat sheet blog post:

  1. Stick to Basics: Include only the must-know details.
  2. Keep It Simple: Make it easy to read and understand.
  3. Stay Organized: Use clear sections, bullets, or tables.
  4. Make It Useful: Ensure the cheat sheet is helpful right away.
  5. Highlight Key Info: Focus on the most important points.

Download the cheat sheet blog post template from here

WordStream provides this template.

10. Round-up Blog Post Template

A round-up blog post pulls together different insights, tips, or resources around a specific topic. It’s a simple way to gather useful information from other places and share it in one spot.

Key Points to Remember while writing a round-up blog post:

  1. Pick a Theme: Focus on one topic or question.
  2. Curate Thoughtfully: Choose high-quality resources or tips.
  3. Stay Organized: Present everything in a clear, easy-to-follow order.
  4. Keep It Brief: Offer concise summaries of each contribution.
  5. Credit Sources: Always link back to the sources.

Download the Round up blog post template from here

WordStream provides this template.


With these 10 blog post templates, you’re not just creating content—you’re crafting experiences that resonate with your readers and inspire them to take action. Templates give you the framework to focus on delivering value and driving conversions.

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